Add more text, change formatting

Marvin Johanning 2020-04-25 16:12:11 +02:00
parent 82ee20802f
commit 731c54db1c
8 changed files with 121 additions and 65 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
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@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@
%%%%%%%%%% Introduction %%%%%%%%%%
@ -65,15 +66,22 @@ I highly encourage to to critisise my work — this is, obviously, without havin
%%%%%%%%%% Empty page %%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%%%%% Beginning of text itself %%%%%%%%%%
\part*{Book I}
\markboth{Book I}{Book I}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Book I}
\chapter*{From the Deepest Depths of Hell}
\markboth{From the Deepest Depths of Hell}{From the Deepest Depths of Hell}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{From the Deepest Depths of Hell}
@ -85,7 +93,7 @@ Frequently these \textit{trips} end unsatisfactorily; yet this time, luck seems
They had previously worked on \textit{Plan 9 from Bell Labs} — why they felt the need to add the ``from Bell Labs'' portion is, unfortunately, beyond me — which, just as Inferno, has largely fallen into obscurity. It is now just to be found in the dark and long forgotten and abandoned corners of the web that seem to be frozen in time, containing information and discussions from days long past; that are held aloft simply by someone continuing to pay for server bills. It's a pity, really, how large amounts of information can simply vanish from the world by someone — perhaps quite literally — pulling the plug.
Plan 9 — as I will be calling it henceforth, ignoring the \textit{from Bell Labs} portion of its name, for I trust you will know that I am indeed referring to the operating system and not the movie — was actually what I had found before Inferno.
Plan 9 — as I will be calling it henceforth, ignoring the \textit{from Bell Labs} portion of its name, for I trust you will know that I am indeed referring to the operating system and not the movie — was actually what I had found prior to Inferno.
I am unsure of the precise circumstances that let me to its discovery, but I distinctly remember discovering a page filled with interesting documents on a wide range of topics which can be reached under the following address: \texttt{}.
This fascinating archive of old documents contains a myriad of interesting tidbits on both Plan 9 and Inferno — and other topics as well.
@ -153,7 +161,40 @@ But fret not! While abandoned by Bell Labs long ago — what vile traitors they
But alas, our machine is dim-witted, for running \texttt{mk} does not yield anything; nay, it appears the command does not exist — which is undoubtebly wrong, for its existance can be ascertained by looking at the aforementioned directory. So what is one to do? The machine needs to be told where to find it — and the binaries that shall be brought into existance soon —, which means that we will need to modify the \texttt{PATH} variable.
The conents of this variable tell our machine where binaries are located and one must thus affix the path to our previously created binary onto the \texttt{PATH} variable.
The conents of this variable tell our machine where binaries are located and one must thus affix the path to our previously created binary onto the \texttt{PATH} variable, a task swiftly accomplished; but first it is imperative to know what Shell is currently being used. This is achived by typing \texttt{echo \$SHELL} into one's terminal, which, in my case, yields \texttt{/usr/bin/zsh}, for I use Zsh; on your system, a likely candidate will be \texttt{/usr/bin/bash}, since the Bourne Shell, as it is called, is one of the most prominent ones in use today.
Nevertheless, one needs to add the following line to one's \texttt{~/.bashrc} or \texttt{~/.zshrc} whose purpose it is to inform the machine of our newly built binary's location, so that by typing its name it will be executed: \texttt{export PATH="/usr/local/bin/inferno/Linux/386/bin:\$PATH"}.
Should you have neglected to heed my previous warnings regarding the usage of a different operating system, you must change the path accordingly; though I do trust you did no such thing.
Furthermore, the adding of this line to one's \texttt{~/.profile} file is also recommended, though not a strict requirement.
Upon the completion of this task, please restart your terminal, for this causes it to renew its settings and take those into account you have just added; typing \texttt{mk --help} should return some information regarding the command's usage.
Yet you may wonder — why, even be bothered —, for what has all this effort lead to? How has this file aided us in our journey towards Inferno? Fret not, for this file is but the beginning — why, it is akin to the apple that those whom God created first, Adam and Eve, had fallen for; the apple that initiated their fall from Eden; and just as they were cast from Eden, we, too, shall be cast from our current operating system and into Inferno. We, too, have sinned — albeit knowingly — to continue our descent into Inferno; \texttt{mk} is our apple, our forbidden fruit, wherewith we shall enter hell.
Having gained access to such a powerful tool, we must go back to our Inferno installation in \texttt{/usr/local/inferno} and, upon having arrived, we must commence with the creation of the system itself.
The first command that must be run is \texttt{sudo mk nuke} — just a reminder of what is to come; for if we must nuke something, this surely cannot be a system of good. Running this command will erase files which are not necessary for us; thereupon we may begin the actual installation.
Finally, the time has come for us to install Inferno; the final command that will push open the gates that shall unveil the long-forgotten mystery of Inferno — \texttt{sudo mk install}; but first, you must wait, for this may take some time, depending on how powerful of machine you own.
\part*{Book II}
\markboth{Book II}{Book II}
\addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Book II}
\chapter*{Commencing the Descent}
\markboth{Commencing the Descent}{Commencing the Descent}
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Commencing the Descent}

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@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
\babel@toc {english}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{Introduction}{}%
\contentsline {part}{Book I}{i}%
\contentsline {chapter}{From the Deepest Depths of Hell}{i}%
\contentsline {chapter}{Resurrecting the Devil}{iii}%
\contentsline {chapter}{Introduction}{1}%
\contentsline {part}{Book I}{ii}%
\contentsline {chapter}{From the Deepest Depths of Hell}{iii}%
\contentsline {chapter}{Resurrecting the Devil}{v}%
\contentsline {part}{Book II}{xii}%
\contentsline {chapter}{Commencing the Descent}{xiii}%