The Apocalypse of John — A Modern Translation

Ἡ Ἀποκάλυψις τοῦ Ἰωάννου — Μετάφρασις καινὴ ζωγράφημασι καὶ ὑπομνήμασι καὶ δὴ καὶ τοῖς ἀρχαῖοις Ἑλληνικοῖς λόγοις

The Apocalypse of John — A Modern Illustrated Translation with Notes and the Original Greek Text ISBN: 978-3-7543-2897-2

The Apocalypse of John is one of the most fascinating books of the entire New Testament; it is filled to the brim with colourful and powerful imagery and is as suspenseful as any modern story about the end of the World. In this new and modern translation, you will find not only a pleasant-to-read (but still faithful to the original) edition of the Revelation, but also the original Greek text on the opposite page and plenty of notes to help you understand the original scripture.

Translation of the Apocalypse

I have been working on my own translation of the Revelation for quite a while now and decided it was time to finally publish it as a book. It is published and printed by the Books on Demand GmbH in Germany. The initial release consists of an e-book and a dust-jacketed hard-cover, with the latter costing €25.99 and the former being entirely free. A cheaper (probably around €14.99) paperback version will also be released over the course of the next few months.

It can be bought and ordered at all bookstores in Germany, most bookstores across Europe and on Amazon. People living in the US will — for now, at any rate — have to order the book from Amazon UK. I am working on getting a paperback version released worldwide, so that this problem can be solved.

Obtaining your copy

There are numerous ways of obtaining your own copy of the book; the most complicated one would be the acquisition of the book’s source code and compiling it yourself. The second, and perhaps easier way, of obtaining a digital copy of the book is to either read it online (see below) or to download the original e-book. If you prefer physical media, you can also buy the book directly from your local book store by providing them with the ISBN (978-3-7543-2897-2). The book will be printed on demand and should generally arrive within a week or so.

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