Τὸ πρεσβυτέριον

The Presbyterium — The Council of Elders

Libreria Bardón — PromoMadrid, author Max Alexander (CC BY-SA 2.0)

I welcome you warmly to the Presbyterium — the Council of Elders —, where old books have their dwelling place. Indeed, my definition of old is, perhaps, somewhat flexible in this case, though I do not count anything released in the 21st century as old. You will, however, find books from any area before the current century on this page — at least those that are, in one way or another, related to Ancient Greek.

As I have only recently begun my collection of old books, this page will fill only gradually; I still need to find a suitable storage place for them in my apartment even. However, be sure to check back here every so often to see whether new members have joined the Council.

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20th century

19th century

Novum Testamentum Graece — Henrico Augusto Schott, 1825

A bilingual (Ancient Greek & Latin) edition of the New Testament with some commentary.

18th century

Novum Testamentum Graece — Adam Rechenberg, 1736

A small edition of the Greek New Testament published by the German theologist Adam Rechenberg.