Μετάφρασις Κλεοφίλου τῆς Καινῆς Διαθήκης

Marvin’s translation of the New Testament

Do not judge, so that you will not, yourselves, be judged (Mat. 7:1).

I highly doubt that the New Testament requires a detailled introduction, as it is one of the most influential books of the world. No matter what you think of its contents — or, indeed, the beliefs that have arisen from it —, it has influenced humanity in ways that few other books — if any — ever have.

Christianity has become the most popular religion on the planet, with over 30% of the human population being a Christian in some form or another as of 2021. It should, therefore, not come as a surprise to anyone that a book such as this would be a great candidate for a translation. And whilst there are hundreds — if not thousands — of other (most likely superior) translations out there, I am nonetheless attempting to translate this work in my own way; mostly just to practice.

Books of the NT
