
Enter another realm …

Lot and His Daughters — 1496 – 1499, Albrecht Dürer


Welcome to the links page! You can start your journey into other realms of the Web from here; realms which might either aid you in the learning of Greek, or realms whose general content I simply found interesting and whose addresses I am, therefore, putting onto my site in the hopes of their receiving more attention.

If you find that a helpful or interesting website is missing from my list of links, I highly encourage you to get in contact with me.

Reading Greek

The Chicago Homer

An excellent website for reading Homer’s works.


A mostly German website with a myriad of information and texts about Ancient Greek and Latin.

A growing collection of open-source and easy-to-read digitised versions of Ancient Greek texts (even readers).

A great hub of texts, including original Ancient Greek texts with English translations.

Perseus Digital Library

Arguably the absolute largest collection of original Greek texts and English translations of said texts.

Bibliothek der Kirchenväter

A website in German containing texts by the early church fathers in the original Greek and with German translations.

Geoffrey Steadman

Geoffrey Steadman produces high-quality intermediate readers for Greek and Latin — available as free PDFs

Learning Greek

Woodhouse English-Greek Dictionary

One of the best online dictionaries for Ancient Greek.

A great forum for both Ancient Greek and Latin; there’s also a nice list of freely available books.


Koshka’s Kingdom

A great website with a Web 1.0 æsthetic containing information on various topics such as Autism, Kemetism and general opinions.

Lurker’s Guide to Babylon 5

A great website containing lots of information about the science fiction TV series Babylon 5.

A nice repository of information about all things ancient.

Encyclopedia Astronautica

A gigantic website with nearly 80,000 pages containing information regarding space (travel).

False Knees

A nice series of comics (mostly featuring birds).

The Proceedings of the Friesian School, Fourth Series

A website I am not good at describing; it has a tonne of interesting articles to read on various topics such as philosophy, science etc.


The Yesterweb is a community which acknowledges that today's internet is lacking in creativity, self-expression, and good digital social infrastructure


This is a webring for geeks of all sorts, except those who feel excluded by the use of the word geek. If you're a geek, this is for you.