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I began my studies in the summer of 2020 and have been studying the language every day ever since. There is still a lot that I have to learn — and I doubt that I will ever learn enough —, but that is precisely what makes the Greek language so fascinating.


When I am not learning Greek, I like listening to music; working on my websites; watching TV (mostly documentaries or science fiction series, such as Babylon 5 or Star Trek or some Anime); photography; reading (mostly old novels or science fiction); taking walks; and numerous other things. If you wish to read about some of my other hobbies, I highly encourage you to visit marvinjohanning.de. +

When I am not learning Greek, I like listening to music (Klaus Schulze, Neuronium, 70s and 80s, classical music, Japanese city pop and a tonne more); working on my websites; watching TV (mostly documentaries or science fiction series, such as Babylon 5 or Star Trek or some Anime); photography; reading (mostly old novels or science fiction); taking walks; messing about with my server and computers in general (macOS and Linux); and numerous other things. I can speak German and English fluently and Swedish to a conversational level; I have, however, dabbled in a variety of other languages over the course of the past decade, so I can speak and understand a few things in a dozen or so other languages as well (Hindi, Russian, Spanish, French, Dutch etc.).

+ +

I encourage you to send me an email about whatever topic you would like to talk about, I read and reply to every email that I receive — in fact, I enjoy receiving them and replying to them. You can find information on how to contact me on the Contact page.

@@ -80,7 +82,7 @@

This way, it is possible for me to keep my regular and private website separate from my resources for Ancient Greek; and, additionally, the current domain name is much more easily recognisable as what it is — a website about Ancient Greek.


If you, however, wish to see the website in its old form, you can still find the archived version over on marvinjohanning.de; it will no longer be updated, though, and the information you find on there might be out-of-date — it simply exists as a sort of curiosity, so that you may see what this website looked like moments before its move to a separate domain.


If you, however, wish to see the website in its old form, you can find numerous snapshots of it over on the Wayback Machine. The earliest snapshot of the Greek portion which I was able to find dates to September 2020; you will find that a lot has changed since then — and I hope it has changed for the better. Please note that I am no longer maintaining marvinjohanning.de and the website, instead, redirects to ancient-greek.net


I tend to update this page at least once per week; frequently I update it even more often, but as I am, at times, rather busy — or do not know what to add — the amount of time it takes me to add something new might increase. Nevertheless, rest assured that the update frequency of this website will be kept as high as I am able to keep it; for, indeed, writing about Ancient Greek, in turn, allows me to actually learn the language better.

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December 8, 2021 — Design changes


As you may have already noticed, I have decided to change the design of the website slightly to make it look a bit more interesting. The changes include the following points:


New and more icons: I have replaced the icons I had been using for the menu portion at the very top of this page with new ones which look a bit more modern and which have a higher resolution. This, I hope, ensures that they are displayed clearly and sharply on most screens; the ones I used before were much too small and barely discernible.


Encased main portion: This may sound somewhat odd, but I am not sure how else to describe this change; the <hr> tag at the very top of the page, which separated the menu portion from the content of the website, has been replaced by by something new, namely a slighly curved border. The same border — but reversed — can now be found just above each page’s footer; this basically encases the main content of the website. These border may also contain some Ancient Greek text with some icons on either side — you sill find an example of this at the top of this page as well.


Revamped footer: The website’s footer has been a thorn in my side for a while now, as it has not been updated in over two years; indeed, if you look at the earliest snapshot of my first website (marvinjohanning.de), you will find that the footer looks exactly the same as it did on this site until yesterday. Therefore, I was very happy to see my boyfriend’s mentioning that he wants to do something about my website’s footer — which he promptly did. I used his suggestion — even though I did not do it using a flexbox as he had suggested — and have replaced the old footer with this updated one.


Additionally, I have finally stopped maintaining my former website marvinjohanning.de — I will keep the domain for obvious reasons, but if you attempt to access it, you will be redirected to ancient-greek.net, instead. The information you could find on there was outdated and my focus has shifted towards maintaining this website, instead.


December 6, 2021 — Webrings

Before I begin with my talking about webrings, I would like to address the Germans:

Fröhlichen Nikolaustag euch allen! Ich hoffe, es fand sich etwas Interessantes in euren Stiefeln — wenn ihr denn dieser Tradition noch folgt. Ich selbst hatte, aufgrund dessen, dass ich schon seit Längerem alleine wohne, weder einen Stiefel vor meine Tür gestellt noch irgendetwas vom Nikolaus erhalten. Ich schreibe das Update hier ausnahmsweise auf Deutsch, da ich mir unsicher bin, wie weitverbreitet das „Feiern“ des Nikolaustags im Rest der Welt ist.