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<h1>Ἀποκάλυψις Ἰωάννου κεφάλαιον ιβ’</h1>
<h3 style="margin-bottom: 0px;">Revelation of John #12</h3>
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<i>May 2021</i>
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2021-11-26 14:38:51 +00:00
<i>The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun 1803 1805, Wiliam Blake</i>
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<p>Καὶ σημεῖον μέγα ὤφθη ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ, γυνὴ περιβεβλημένη τὸν ἥλιον, καὶ σελήνη ὑποκάτω τῶν ποδῶν αὐτῆς, καὶ ἐπὶ τῆς κεφαλῆς αὐτῆς στέφανος ἀστέρων δώδεκα· <sup>2</sup>καὶ ἐν γαστρὶ ἔχουσα, κράζει ὠδίνουσα, καὶ βασανιζομένη τεκεῖν. <sup>3</sup>καὶ ὤφθη ἄλλο σημεῖον ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ, καὶ ἰδού, δράκων μέγας πυρρός, ἔχων κεφαλὰς ἑπτὰ καὶ κέρατα δέκα, καὶ ἐπὶ τὰς κεφαλὰς αὐτοῦ διαδήματα ἑπτά. <sup>4</sup>καὶ οὐρὰ αὐτοῦ σύρει τὸ τρίτον τῶν ἀστέρων τοῦ οὐρανοῦ, καὶ ἔβαλεν αὐτοὺς εἰς τὴν γῆν· καὶ δράκων ἕστηκεν ἐνώπιον τῆς γυναικὸς τῆς μελλούσης τεκεῖν, ἵνα, ὅταν τέκῃ, τὸ τέκνον αὐτῆς καταφάγῃ. <sup>5</sup>καὶ ἔτεκεν υἱόν ἄρρενα, ὃς μέλλει ποιμαίνειν πάντα τὰ ἔθνη ἐν ῥάβδῳ σιδηρᾷ· καὶ ἡρπάσθη τὸ τέκνον αὐτῆς πρὸς τὸν Θεὸν καὶ πρὸς τὸν θρόνον αὐτοῦ. <sup>6</sup>καὶ γυνὴ ἔφυγεν εἰς τὴν ἔρημον, ὅπου ἔχει ἐκεῖ τόπον ἡτοιμασμένον ἀπὸ τοῦ Θεοῦ, ἵνα ἐκεῖ τρέφωσιν αὐτὴν ἡμέρας χιλίας διακοσίας ἑξήκοντα.</p>
<p><sup>7</sup>Καὶ ἐγένετο πόλεμος ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ· Μιχαὴλ καὶ οἱ ἄγγελοι αὐτοῦ τοῦ ἐπολέμησαν κατὰ τοῦ δράκοντος· καὶ δράκων ἐπολέμησε, καὶ οἱ ἄγγελοι αὐτοῦ, <sup>8</sup>καὶ οὐκ ἴσχυσεν, οὔτε τόπος εὑρέθη αὐτῶν ἔτι ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ. <sup>9</sup>καὶ ἐβλήθη δράκων μέγας, ὄφις ἀρχαῖος, καλούμενος διάβολος καὶ Σατανᾶς, πλανῶν τὴν οἰκουμένην ὅλην· ἐβλήθη εἰς τὴν γῆν, καὶ οἱ ἄγγελοι αὐτοῦ μετ’ αὐτοῦ ἐβλήθησαν. <sup>10</sup>καὶ ἤκουσα φωνὴν μεγάλην λέγουσαν ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ, Ἄρτι ἐγένετο σωτηρία καὶ δύναμις καὶ βασιλεία τοῦ Θεοῦ ἡμῶν, καὶ ἐξουσία τοῦ Χριστοῦ αὐτοῦ· ὅτι κατεβλήθη κατήγορος τῶν ἀδελφῶν ἡμῶν, κατηγορῶν αὐτῶν ἐνώπιον τοῦ Θεοῦ ἡμῶν ἡμέρας καὶ νυκτός. <sup>11</sup>καὶ αὐτοὶ ἐνίκησαν αὐτὸν διὰ τὸ αἷμα τοῦ ἀρνίου, καὶ διὰ τὸν λόγον τῆς μαρτυρίας αὐτῶν, καὶ οὐκ ἠγάπησαν τὴν ψυχὴν αὐτῶν ἄχρι θανάτου. <sup>12</sup>διὰ τοῦτο εὐφραίνεσθε, οἱ οὐρανοὶ καὶ οἱ ἐν αὐτοῖς σκηνοῦντες· οὐαὶ τοῖς κατοικοῦσι τὴν γῆν καὶ τὴν θάλασσαν, ὅτι κατέβη διάβολος πρὸς ὑμᾶς ἔχων θυμὸν μέγαν, εἰδὼς ὅτι ὀλίγον καιρὸν ἔχει.</p>
<p><sup>13</sup>Καὶ ὅτε εἶδεν δράκων ὅτι ἐβλήθη εἰς τὴν γῆν, ἐδίωξε τὴν γυναῖκα ἥτις ἔτεκε τὸν ἄρρενα. <sup>14</sup>καὶ ἐδόθησαν τῇ γυναικὶ δύο πτέρυγες τοῦ ἀετοῦ τοῦ μεγάλου, ἵνα πέτηται εἰς τὴν ἔρημον εἰς τὸν τόπον αὐτῆς, ὅπως τρέφεται ἐκεῖ καιρόν, καὶ καιρούς, καὶ ἥμισυ καιροῦ, ἀπὸ προσώπου τοῦ ὄφεως. <sup>15</sup>καὶ ἔβαλεν ὄφις ὀπίσω τῆς γυναικὸς ἐκ τοῦ στόματος αὐτοῦ ὕδωρ ὡς ποταμόν, ἵνα ταύτην ποταμοφόρητον ποιήσῃ. <sup>16</sup>καὶ ἐβοήθησεν γῆ τῇ γυναικί, καὶ ἤνοιξεν γῆ τὸ στόμα αὐτῆς, καὶ κατέπιε τὸν ποταμὸν ὃν ἔβαλεν δράκων ἐκ τοῦ στόματος αὐτοῦ. <sup>17</sup>καὶ ὠργίσθη δράκων ἐπὶ τῇ γυναικί, καὶ ἀπῆλθε ποιῆσαι πόλεμον μετὰ τῶν λοιπῶν τοῦ σπέρματος αὐτῆς, τῶν τηρούντων τὰς ἐντολὰς τοῦ Θεοῦ καὶ ἐχόντων τὴν μαρτυρίαν τοῦ Ἰησοῦ Χριστοῦ. καὶ ἐστάθην ἐπὶ τὴν ἄμμον τῆς θαλάσσης.</p>
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<p>Kai sēmeion mega ōphthē en ouranō, gynē peribeblēmenē ton hēlion, kai selēnē hypokatō tōn podōn autēs, kai epi tēs kephalēs autēs stephanos asterōn dōdeka; <sup>2</sup>kai en gastri echousa, krazei ōdinousa, kai basanizomenē tekein. <sup>3</sup>kai ōphthē allo sēmeion en ouranō, kai idou, drakōn megas pyrros, echōn kephalas hepta kai kerata deka, kai epi tas kephalas autou diadēmata hepta. <sup>4</sup>kai oura autou syrei to triton tōn asterōn tou ouranou, kai ebalen autous eis tēn gēn; kai ho drakōn hestēken enōpion tēs gynaikos tēs mellousēs tekein, hina, hotan tekē, to teknon autēs kataphagē. <sup>5</sup>kai eteken huion arrena, hos mellei poimainein panta ta ethnē en rhabdō sidēra; kai hērpasthē to teknon autēs pros ton Theon kai pros ton thronon autou. <sup>6</sup>kai gynē ephygen eis tēn erēmon, hopou echei ekei topon hētoimasmenon apo tou Theou, hina ekei trephōsin autēn hēmeras chilias diakosias hexēkonta.</p>
<p><sup>7</sup>Kai egeneto polemos en ouranō; ho Michaēl kai hoi angeloi autou tou epolemēsan kata tou drakontos; kai ho drakōn epolemēse, kai hoi angeloi autou, <sup>8</sup>kai ouk ischysen, oute topos heurethē autōn eti en ouranō. <sup>9</sup>kai eblēthē ho drakōn ho megas, ho ophis ho archaios, ho kaloumenos diabolos kai ho Satanas, ho planōn tēn oikoumenēn holēn; eblēthē eis tēn gēn, kai hoi angeloi autou met autou eblēthēsan. <sup>10</sup>kai ēkousa phōnēn megalēn legousan en ouranō, Arti egeneto sōtēria kai dynamis kai basileia tou Theou hēmōn, kai exousia tou Christou autou; hoti kateblēthē ho katēgoros tōn adelphōn hēmōn, ho katēgorōn autōn enōpion tou Theou hēmōn hēmeras kai nyktos. <sup>11</sup>kai autoi enikēsan auton dia to haima tou arniou, kai dia ton logon tēs martyrias autōn, kai ouk ēgapēsan tēn psychēn autōn achri thanatou. <sup>12</sup>dia touto euphrainesthe, hoi ouranoi kai hoi en autois skēnountes; ouai tois katoikousi tēn gēn kai tēn thalassan, hoti katebē ho diabolos pros hymas echōn thymon megan, eidōs hoti oligon kairon echei.</p>
<p><sup>13</sup>Kai hote eiden ho drakōn hoti eblēthē eis tēn gēn, ediōxe tēn gynaika hētis eteke ton arrena. <sup>14</sup>kai edothēsan gynaiki dyo pteryges tou aetou tou megalou, hina petētai eis tēn erēmon eis ton topon autēs, hopōs trephetai ekei kairon, kai kairous, kai hēmisy kairou, apo prosōpou tou opheōs. <sup>15</sup>kai ebalen ho ophis opisō tēs gynaikos ek tou stomatos autou hydōr hōs potamon, hina tautēn potamophorēton poiēsē. <sup>16</sup>kai eboēthēsen gynaiki, kai ēnoixen to stoma autēs, kai katepie ton potamon hon ebalen ho drakōn ek tou stomatos autou. <sup>17</sup>kai ōrgisthē ho drakōn epi gynaiki, kai apēlthe poiēsai polemon meta tōn loipōn tou spermatos autēs, tōn tērountōn tas entolas tou Theou kai echontōn tēn martyrian tou Iēsou Christou. kai estathēn epi tēn ammon tēs thalassēs.</p>
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<p>And a great sign appeared in Heaven (and it was a) woman wearing the Sun, and the Moon was beneath her feet and upon her head (was a) crown (made out) of twelve stars. And she was pregnant; and she cried out because she was in labour and (she was) tormented (greatly) (because she was about) to give birth. </p>
<p>And there appeared another sign in Heaven and look! A great fiery dragon having seven heads and ten horns; and upon his heads (there were) seven crowns, and his tail sweeps (away) a third of the stars of Heaven and threw them into the Earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth so that he might eat her child when she gives birth. And she gave birth to a son who was (about) to shepherd (rule, lead) all (the) peoples (of the Earth) with an iron rod; and her child was snatched away by God and (brought? lead?) to His throne. </p>
<p>And the woman fled into the wilderness where she had a place (there) prepared (for her) of God so that they might nourish her there for one-thousand two-hundred sixty days. And a war began (was, happened) in Heaven (in which) Michael and his angels fought (with) the dragon and the dragon, too, fought and his angels (with him). But they did not prevail, nor was their place to be found in Heaven any longer (when the battle had finished). </p>
<p>And the great dragon was thrown (the great dragon), the ancient serpent; the one called Devil and Satan; the deceiver of the entire (inhabited) world. He was thrown into (onto) the Earth and his angels were thrown (along) with him. And I heard a great voice in Heaven saying, “Now has come the deliverance and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority (power) of His Messiah; for the accuser of our brothers who accused them before our God day and night has been cast (into the Earth). </p>
<p>And they prevailed over him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of His witness and they did not love their own souls more than death (they werent afraid of dying). Therefore rejoice, O Heavens and those dwelling therein. Woe to the Earth and the sea, for the Devil bearing (with him) a great wrath has descended (down) towards you, knowing that he has (but) little time (left).</p>
<p>And when the dragon saw (realised) that he was thrown into (down onto) the Earth, he (began) persecuting the woman who gave birth to the boy. But (and) there were given to the woman the two wings of the great eagle, so that she might fly into the wilderness into her place where she is (will be) nourished for a time and times and half a time from the face of the serpent. </p>
<p>But (and) then the serpent spewed forth (threw) water like a river so that she might be made to be carried off (by the river). But (and) the Earth shouted for the (sake of the) woman, and the Earth opened its mouth and swallowed (ate up) the river which the dragon spewed forth (threw) from its mouth. </p>
<p>And the dragon became angry with (on) the woman and left to wage war against (make war with) the remaining of her offspring the ones honouring the commandments of God and (the ones which have) the witness of Jesus; and he stood upon the sand of the sea. </p>
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