--- title: More numbers — and adjectives layout: post author: "Marvin Johanning" excerpt_separator: --- # Tagalog Diary — 2022-04-30 Magandang umaga! I did, unfortunately, not really have a lot of time to study Tagalog, mostly due to the fact that I had to work again _and_ also study for my final exam which is in just a couple of days. And going through some old exams, I found out that our school failed to teach us _a lot of things_; and therefore, I am trying to learn these things on my own now. Nevertheless, as it is now Saturday and I do have more time on my hand — as I do not have to work —, I will try to study both a little bit of Tagalog and study for my exam as well. Tara na! --- ## Colours - Word root - Infix or root repetition - Prefix - Suffix - Connecting particle --- ## Tasks - [x] Watch the second video about numbers - [x] Finish lesson 22 (20-21 were the video lessons on numbers) - [x] Learn some more vocabulary - [x] Speak / write a bit - [x] Take the sixth assessment test --- ## Interesting new words or expressions - __umulan__ - a verb which means “to rain” - a normal -um- verb - But as the root starts with a vowel, the -um- infix turns into an um- prefix. - __palagi__ - “always” - __minsan__ - “sometimes” - __kwarto__ - “room” - This word was not actually part of the lesson itself, but it was in the lesson notes and I thought it was good to know --- ## What was most difficult? The most difficult part was most definitely learning all the numbers; and whilst I have definitely gotten better at them, I still don’t really know them well whatsoever. --- ## What was learnt or done? As mentioned in the introduction, I spent most of my studying time today on learning for my final exam. However, as it is Saturday — and I have some times on my hand —, I also had time to study a bit of Tagalog. ### Number time — once more! First, let us talk about the video lesson: it taught the numbers from 20 through 999 and they were all rather straightforward. They are formed in a manner similar to how the numbers 10 - 19 are formed, namely by taking the base number, adding a connector word, adding -pu and then adding _at_ (“and”) and another number; the connecting particle is either -ng or na, depending on whether the number ends on a vowel or consonant; however there are two things to know: firstly, if the letter “p” follows the connector, then it turns into -m-; and if the vowel preceding the connector -ng is an “o”, then this vowel is changed to “u”. Here is a table with the numbers 20 through 100: — | English | Tagalog | | ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | twenty | dalawampu | | thirty | tatlumpu | | forty | apatnapu | | fifty | limampu | | sixty | animnapu | | seventy | pitlumpu | | eighty | walumpu | | ninety | siyamnapu | | hundred | daan | Note that the numbers _tatlo_ (three), _pitlo_ (seven) and _walo_ (eight) all change their final vowel to _-u_. Saying things such as “twenty-two” or “thirty-eight” can be done, as previously discussed, by adding _at_ and the base number. However, _at_ is shortened to simply _’t_ after vowels. Therefore, twenty-two turns into _dalawampu’t dalawa_ and thirty-eight into _tutlumpu’t walo_. ### Time for some adjectives The other lesson I went through today taught the usage of adjectives. I have already learnt about those, so the lesson did not really contain a lot of new information for me. I will, however, shortly recap the two manners in which adjectives can be used: — - “The coffee is hot” ↪ “Mainit ang kape” - “Hot coffee” ↪ “Mainit na kape” Thus, if you want to simply state that the coffee is hot, the formula _adjective_ + “ang” + _noun_ is used; for applying the adjective directly to a noun (“warm day”, “hot coffee” etc.), the pattern _adjective_ + “na” + _noun_ is used. Once more, it is important to note that na turns into -ng after a vowel.