29 lines
908 B

gem_header 20 'text/gemini'
set b_current_time (date +%c)
set b_words (bliz_word_count)
=> /index.bliz 🏠Home
# About the Server
Here you will find some information about the server that is running this capsule.
## Hardware
This server is running on a very cheap VPS with a very minimal amount of CPU power, RAM and space. I have a handful of other servers that run my other websites, but I decided it would be best for me to have my own server for my capsule on Geminispace.
## Software
I am currently running Debian 11 with Bliz as my Gemini server and Kineto as my Gemini-to-HTTPS proxy. Check out my Gemlog if you want to find out more about both of these; I can especially recommend Bliz!
## Stats
And here are some random stats because why not?
### Uptime
% uptime
### Size of Files on Server
% dust --ignore-directory ".git" -c -r -d 2 /home/gemini/gemini/bliz/serve/