## ALL THAT CAN CHANGE IS HERE, in variable.mk (ONLY TOUCH THE UPPER FILE !!) include ../variable.mk SRCS=Version.c fonctions.c fonctions.h general.h hache.h mynew.h quadra.c quadra.h sesh.y seshSource.h seshl.l flexaux.c # End of things you can change. CFLAGS=-g WINCPPFLAGS=-DSESH_VERSION=\"$(SESH_VERSION)\" CPPFLAGS=-DSESH_VERSION=\"$(SESH_VERSION)\" -DSESHDIR=\"$(SESHDIR)\" OBJETS= fonctions.o sesh.o seshl.o hache.o quadra.o Version.o flexaux.o default: @echo " To make the sesh program : " @echo " first edit the variables.mk file in the parent directory" @echo " and type make sesh" @echo @echo " If 1) you haven't got lex+yacc or bison+flex" @echo " and 2) sesh doesn't compile, don't despair. " @echo " you can a) try to patch the sesh.c and seshl.c files" @echo " or b) (cleaner way) get a working version of these for your machine" @echo " or ultimately, migrate to Linux :-)" # For mingw cross compiler : SOURCES=fonctions.c sesh.c seshl.c hache.c quadra.c Version.c flexaux.c sesh.exe : $(SOURCES) $(MINGW) -o $@ -I./windows $(WINCPPFLAGS) $(SOURCES) sesh: $(OBJETS) $(LINK.c) -o $@ $(OBJETS) $(LIBR) quadra.o: quadra.c quadra.h mynew.h sesh.o : fonctions.h sesh.c sesh.c sesh.h: sesh.y $(YACC.y) -d sesh.y mv y.tab.c sesh.c mv y.tab.h sesh.h; seshl.o: sesh.h fonctions.h fonctions.o : seshSource.h fonctions.h seshSource.h: seshSource.txt awk -f mklex.awk < seshSource.txt > $@ Version.o: ../variable.mk ## CONFIGURE TRIES TO FIND $(LEX) AND $(YACC) and then ## remove configure: @-PATHS=`echo $$PATH | tr ':' ' '`;\ for i in $$PATHS; do if [ -f $$i/$(LEX) ]; then oulex=trouve ; fi; done;\ if [ $${oulex:-rien} != rien ] ; then $(DELFILE) seshl.c ; fi;\ for i in $$PATHS; do if [ -f $$i/$(YACC) ]; then ouyacc=trouve ; fi;done;\ if [ $${ouyacc:-rien} != rien ] ; then $(DELFILE) sesh.c sesh.h; fi clean: FORCE -/bin/rm -f *~ "#*#" veryclean : clean -/bin/rm -f *.o # only veryveryclean supresses what can't be built on # systems without bison and flex distclean : seshl.c sesh.c sesh.h seshSource.h clean -/bin/rm -f sesh -makedepend -- # suppress the informations added by makedepend. veryveryclean : veryclean -/bin/rm -f sesh -/bin/rm -f seshl.c -/bin/rm -f sesh.c -/bin/rm -f sesh.h -/bin/rm -f seshSource.h cleanyacclex : cleanyacc cleanlex cleanyacc : -/bin/rm sesh.c -/bin/rm sesh.h cleanlex : -/bin/rm seshl.c depend: makedepend -- $(CFLAGS) -- $(SRCS) FORCE : # DO NOT DELETE