[0] Config.pm:304> INFO - This is Biber 2.14 [0] Config.pm:307> INFO - Logfile is 'intricacies_hiero.blg' [82] biber:322> INFO - === Sa Jan 2, 2021, 14:54:19 [95] Biber.pm:415> INFO - Reading 'intricacies_hiero.bcf' [158] Biber.pm:943> INFO - Found 8 citekeys in bib section 0 [170] Biber.pm:4256> INFO - Processing section 0 [171] Utils.pm:75> INFO - Globbing data source 'bibliography.bib' [171] Utils.pm:91> INFO - Globbed data source 'bibliography.bib' to bibliography.bib [180] Biber.pm:4455> INFO - Looking for bibtex format file 'bibliography.bib' for section 0 [181] bibtex.pm:1653> INFO - LaTeX decoding ... [191] bibtex.pm:1471> INFO - Found BibTeX data source 'bibliography.bib' [241] Utils.pm:304> WARN - year field '1849 - 1856' in entry 'NYC:Ernst_1' is not an integer - this will probably not sort properly. [245] Utils.pm:304> WARN - year field '1849 - 1856' in entry 'NYC:Ernst_Grab54' is not an integer - this will probably not sort properly. [248] Utils.pm:304> WARN - year field '1849 - 1856' in entry 'NYC:Ernst_Ptolost' is not an integer - this will probably not sort properly. [271] UCollate.pm:68> INFO - Overriding locale 'en-US' defaults 'normalization = NFD' with 'normalization = prenormalized' [272] UCollate.pm:68> INFO - Overriding locale 'en-US' defaults 'variable = shifted' with 'variable = non-ignorable' [272] Biber.pm:4084> INFO - Sorting list 'nyt/global//global/global' of type 'entry' with template 'nyt' and locale 'en-US' [272] Biber.pm:4090> INFO - No sort tailoring available for locale 'en-US' [287] bbl.pm:652> INFO - Writing 'intricacies_hiero.bbl' with encoding 'UTF-8' [292] bbl.pm:755> INFO - Output to intricacies_hiero.bbl [292] Biber.pm:128> INFO - WARNINGS: 3