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To view a copy of this license, visit https://creativecom\\mons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0. \vspace{10mm}\noindent\textsc{Publishing}: \\ Marvin Johanning\\ Salzufler Str. 66\\ 33719 Bielefeld\\ info@marvinjohanning.de \vspace{5mm}\noindent\textsc{Printing}: epubli – ein Service der neopubli GmbH, Berlin \newpage %%%%%%%%%% Introductory quote %%%%%%%%%% \clearpage \thispagestyle{empty} \begin{center} \begin{hieroglyph} i*w-O34:S-Y4-n-A1-m-DA-t:Y1-t:n-n:E9-w-E14 mr-(i*i)-A1-n:y-M:wr nfr-f:r-w*y-T:n \end{hieroglyph} \null\vfill \vfill\vfill \clearpage\newpage \end{center} \newpage %%%%%%%%%% Table of Contents %%%%%%%%%% \tableofcontents \newpage %%%%%%%%%% Introduction %%%%%%%%%% \pagenumbering{roman} \chapter*{Preface to second edition} \markboth{Preface to second edition}{Preface to second edition} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Preface to second edition} CONTENT HERE \newpage %%%%%%%%%% About %%%%%%%%%% \chapter*{About me} \markboth{About me}{About me} \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{About me} My name is Marvin Johanning, I am twenty-one years old and currently reside in a city many deem to not exist — which, obviously, is untrue for I \textit{do} live here and surely I am real. I like writing things even though, perhaps, I am not great at it; yet I enjoy doing so and only through practice can you improve, which is why I write as much as possible as frequently as I can. I have recently switched from writing in LibreOffice to \LaTeX, as LibreOffice has proven itself to be headache-inducing when working with large amounts of text which you wish to reformat at a later date. I tend to write about things relating to languages — be it real or programming languages —, computers and, though rarely, politics. All of these can be found on my website. My biggest writing project to-date is \textit{The Intricacies of Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics} (ISBN: 978-3-752952-49-0), which incidentally, was what led me to use \LaTeX, information regarding which can, too, be found on my website. \newpage %%%%%%%%%% Empty page %%%%%%%%%% \pagenumbering{gobble} \thispagestyle{empty} \mbox{} \newpage %%%%%%%%%% Beginning of text itself %%%%%%%%%% \pagenumbering{arabic} \part*{The Hieroglyphics} \markboth{The Hieroglyphics}{The Hieroglyphics} \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{The Hieroglyphics} \newpage \thispagestyle{empty} \mbox{} \newpage \include{whodeciphered} \include{adictionary} \include{meaning} %%% APPENDIX %%% \pagenumbering{arabic} \part*{Appendix} \markboth{Bibliography}{Bibliography} \addcontentsline{toc}{part}{Bibliography} \newpage \printbibliography \end{document}